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One hug at a time...

Developing my cuddle practice back in 2017 was literally one of the most powerful, meaningful and significant decisions of my life.

No question about it.

Touch and connection therapy has transformed me (& my beautiful clients) in ways I never could have imagined. Every day, I learn, observe, experience or share something new. It never ceases to amaze me.

I know I have experienced more benefits than I will ever be able to fully realize. Like noticeable boosts in energy, happiness, self-awareness and the ability to focus. To my surprise, I have enjoyed complete transformations in my personal relationships, how I make decisions & how I perceive the world around me. Cuddling has absolutely enhanced my overall quality of life and I can't describe how amazing that feels.

And what a joy it is to witness my clients go through the same transformation before my very eyes, right next to me, wrapped up in my arms!

By prioritizing self-awareness, authenticity, self-care and 'needs advocacy' through the use of honest communication - and of course TOUCH, we are learning to love in all new ways that actually, truly, finally work!!

Remember this: Love is a functional force. If something feels wrong, off or imbalanced, chances are, it's not actually love. Cuddle sessions help to train us into a state of true, unconditional love. When we learn to hold ourselves in the amazing frequency of love, it works as a powerful balancing, healing, stabilizing force that will very likely change your life.

As I began to understand this power I realized: this is going to transform the world as we know it. I truly believe that to be true, now more than ever.

We are literally changing the world, one hug at a time.

Love you guys,

And big, warm hugs to all of you.





Please note that we are not medical doctors. Our services are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for medical/psychological advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment from a licensed professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or psychological condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of any information received in a session or on this website.

Professional Cuddles 2020

Saint Paul, MN, USA


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